Don’t Forget to Blend

Ink Blending - my nemesis! I’ve never done this very well, so I approached this class with a lot of fear. Lucky for me, Altenew had just released a line of blender brushes, and they are amazing! Even I can ink blend! But I’m getting ahead of myself, let me start at the beginning.

To ink blend, you apply ink over the paper with a brush to create a background. The aim is to apply the ink so that the colors will seamlessly transition into one another. No mean feat, if you ask me.

ink blending process 2.jpg

This photo was taken during the process. the colors still needed to be blended a little more. And so I blended. Some, More.

Once I was happy with the blending, I needed to decide just what the heck I was going to do with it! I used the Spring Roses Die Set to create a lacy floral design that wouldn’t hide the background I worked so hard to make.

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I played with the flower placement for a while, I’ll spare you those photos!


I added a greeting by trimming “thanks” from the Framed Thanks Die, and then walked away!

Thanks for taking this journey with me. I hope you enjoyed it!

Take care and be kind,



Something to Celebrate!


Don’t Forget to Layer Up